October 19, 2011 By Matthew Wallin

Standard Punishment for a First Time DUI in Riverside County

The standard punishment for a first time DUI can vary greatly from county to county and can even vary significantly between different courthouses within a single county. The vast majority of DUI cases filed in Riverside County are filed in the Southwest Court and downtown Riverside Court, and the punishments are imposed in those two courthouses for a “standard” first DUI. A standard first DUI means that there was no traffic collision and that you’re blood-alcohol level was below .15%. If there was a traffic collision or were above .15% then the punishments will be increased.

If you plead guilty to a standard first DUI in Riverside or Southwest courts, the typical punishment would include 3 years of informal/summary probation, which means unsupervised probation and no probation officer to report to. The fines and fees would add up to approximately $2,250 total, which can usually be paid at a rate of $50/month after paying an additional $50 administrative fee. You will be required to attend and complete a 16 week DUI course which also requires you to attend a number of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The court will notify the DMV of the conviction and you will suffer a six-month suspension of your license. Finally, you will be ordered to serve 6 days in county jail which can be completed as straight time behind bars, through the work release or Sheriff’s labor programs, or via house arrest. This is the standard punishment for a garden-variety, first-time DUI in Riverside. Pretty harsh. If you have priors DUI convictions, were involved in a collision, or had a blood alcohol content of .15% or higher the penalties get even worse.

If you have been accused of DUI in Riverside County, you will need an experienced Riverside DUI attorney to vigorously represent you. At Wallin & Klarich, we have helped people accused of this crime for over 30 years. Call us today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245. We will be there when you call.

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