November 4, 2013 By Matthew Wallin

Client consumed twelve beers and then got in his car and drove. Client stopped the car on the side of the road and fell asleep in the driver’s seat. Police arrived soon thereafter to find the client sleeping in the car with the engine running. Client arrested for DUI. Wallin & Klarich California drunk driving defense attorney was able to get the DUI charges dismissed with no jail time, no alcohol program and no driver’s license suspension.

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Client Saved from Jail Time in DUI Case

Client Saved from Jail Time in DUI Case

November 4, 2013 By Matthew Wallin
Not Guilty Verdict in Serious Felony Evading Case

Not Guilty Verdict in Serious Felony Evading Case

November 4, 2013 By Matthew Wallin
Wallin & Klarich Saved My Driver’s License

Wallin & Klarich Saved My Driver’s License

November 4, 2013 By Matthew Wallin
SCHEDULE YOUR free consultation

If you or a loved one have been accused of a DUI, this is the time to contact us.

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