September 26, 2011 By Matthew Wallin

Absolutely you should take an experienced DUI attorney to the administrative hearing at the DMV. Having an attorney represent you at a DMV hearing is a right that you have. This can also make the difference between saving your license and your privilege to drive a motor vehicle or not.

The DMV will automatically suspend your license 10 days after you are arrested for a DUI offense in California. Within 10 days of your arrest, you must call DMV to request a hearing to set aside their action to suspend your license.

The DMV will also have negligent operator hearings if you have too many points on your driving record. It is also imperative to have an experienced attorney to represent you in any DMV administrative hearing matter.

Other hearings through the DMV can also arise if you were in an accident and someone was injured or died and/or if you were cited or arrested for that accident where an injury or death occurred.

Do not leave the possibility of having your license suspended, revoked or restricted to chance. Other consequences to not having a valid license include citations or arrest for driving without a valid license and the reliance on family member or friends to drive you around or utilizing public transportation, which most certainly can be a hardship. Hire the San Bernardino County experienced attorneys at Wallin & Klarich to represent you in any DMV matter.

If you or someone you love has been accused of a DUI offense and causing injuries in California, contact the experienced San Bernardino County criminal defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 for a consultation of your case. We can help you especially on DMV matters where your driver’s license is at risk.

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