October 6, 2011 By Matthew Wallin

Worst Sobriety Tests Used in Los Angeles County

When a police officer suspects someone of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol the police officer will try to determine how much or intoxicated the driver is.  To do this there are a variety of tests the police may subject you to.  These tests include:

  1. Field Sobriety Test
  2. Preliminary Alcohol Screening Test (breathalyzer)
  3. Chemical Evidentiary Breath Test (breathalyzer)
  4. Chemical Evidentiary Blood Test
  5. Chemical Evidentiary Urine Test

It is important to know what these tests are and what tests are voluntary and which ones are mandatory. The field sobriety test is a voluntary test.  The test involves the driver performing tests related to balance, time, and hand/eye coordination.  The preliminary alcohol screening test is also voluntary.  This involves breathing into a breathalyzer and the breathalyzer will display a number to the investigating officer which shows your blood alcohol content.  The chemical evidentiary blood and breath test are both mandatory tests. A urine test is only given after a blood and breath test are unavailable.  Any Los Angeles DUI attorney will recommend a driver performing those voluntary tests as it will not help your situation, since a poor performance on those tests will be used against you in a court of law.

If you or a loved one is facing charges for driving under the influence, contact our Southern California DUI attorneys at Wallin and Klarich.  Wallin & Klarich will help protect your rights and find the best defense strategy for your case.  For over 30 years, our attorneys have been helping clients keep their driver’s license and maintain the ability to continue driving.  Please call us at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245. We will be there when you call.

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If you or a loved one have been accused of a DUI, this is the time to contact us.

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