November 8, 2011 By Matthew Wallin

Having a DUI Reduced to a Reckless Driving Charge Won’t Always Save Your License

A wet reckless conviction in lieu of a DUI conviction will not vacate a DMV suspension unless the Court makes a finding of “not guilty” on the CVC §23152(b) or §23153(b) charge as opposed to just dismissing it. You must speak with an Orange County DUI attorney well versed in California DUI Law before entering a plea of guilty in any DUI case.

Even where a DUI charge is reduced by the prosecutor, the court and the DMV retain the authority for discretionary action under other statutes. Generally, the court is precluded by the plea bargain from giving a severe penalty. However, the DMV has authority to suspend one’s privilege to drive by identifying people with alcohol problems as negligent operators. A negligent operator is defined in the California Vehicle Code as any driver whose record shows a count of four (4) points in 12 months, six (6) points in 24 months or eight (8) points in 36 months.

Insurance companies and the DMV may treat a wet and reckless conviction the same as a DUI conviction. You will need to work closely with your Orange County DUI attorney to understand the positive and negative aspects of any plea agreement.

If you or a loved one have been accused or charged with DUI in Orange County, it is very important that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately, like the attorneys at Wallin & Klarich. We have over 30 years of experienced handling these types of matters and can assist you in obtaining the best possible result. Call the law firm of Wallin & Klarich today at, (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 to speak to an experienced Orange County criminal defense attorney about your case.

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If you or a loved one have been accused of a DUI, this is the time to contact us.

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