My DUI Case is Old. Do I Still Have to Complete DUI Classes?
One of the most common questions we get from clients and prospective clients is: “Do I still have to take DUI classes if my DUI case is old?”
The quick answer to this question is “Yes!” However, there is much more that you need to know if you were ordered to take DUI classes as part of your sentence and you failed to attend them.
Why Do I Have to Take DUI Classes?
If you are convicted of DUI in California, part of your sentence will likely be that you attend DUI classes. You will be given a date by which you must complete a court-approved DUI program. On that date, you will have to show proof to the court that you have completed a DUI course.
DUI programs are not voluntary if they are part of your sentence. Completing these classes is required. If you miss classes or do not complete courses for any reason, you may be kicked out of the program. This means your sentence has not been completed.
So what happens if you do not complete your sentence?
What Happens if You Don’t Take DUI Classes?
There are many reasons why you may be required to attend DUI classes. It may be ordered as part of your sentence or it could be a requirement that a judge or DMV officer instituted in order for you to obtain a restricted license or keep your driving privilege. For this reason, the consequences of not attending DUI classes vary.
If you were attending a DUI program in order to reinstate your driving privilege, failing to attend classes could result in your driver’s license being revoked, not reinstated or suspended for a certain amount of time, meaning you will be unable to obtain any type of driver’s license for that set amount of time.
If you were ordered to attend a DUI class as part of your sentence, failing to attend these classes could lead to your arrest. A warrant will likely be issued in your name, which means that law enforcement officers could arrest you at any time. Once you appear back in court, you could face the maximum sentence for DUI, which includes spending time in jail.
What Can You Do Now?
You need to act immediately if you failed to attend DUI classes because you could possibly be arrested at any time. The first thing you should do is call an experienced DUI defense attorney to discuss the facts of your specific case so you can be properly advised of what to do next.
If you can, you should also attend and complete a court-approved DUI program right away.
Your DUI attorney may be help you avoid facing severe consequences for failing to attend DUI courses. Your lawyer may be able to appear in court to ask the judge to recall the warrant so that you don’t suffer the embarrassment of being arrested in front of family or coworkers. Your lawyer may also be able to show the judge that financial hardship or other exigent circumstances prevented you from completing DUI classes and ask for an extension.
Contact the DUI Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich Today
If you failed to attend DUI classes, the consequences you face are severe. Your driver’s license could be suspended and you could be sentenced to jail time. That is why you should contact an experienced DUI defense attorney right away.
Our DUI attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have over 35 years of experience successfully defending our clients facing DUI matters. We can help you now. With offices in Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, Victorville, Los Angeles, West Covina, Torrance and San Diego, you can find an experienced Wallin & Klarich DUI attorney available to help you no matter where you work or live.
Call us now at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 for a free phone consultation. We will get through this together.