A DUI Conviction in San Bernardino Can Cost Your Commercial License
If you have been issued a class A, B, or C drivers license with an endorsement issued pursuant 15278(a)(4) of the Vehicle Code, and are convicted of a DUI in California or any of the following scenarios occur; you will lose your commercial license for one year. This can lead to significant consequences, most importantly losing your livelihood and ability to provide for yourself or your family. It is important to hire an experienced San Bernardino DUI attorney to handle these serious charges.
If any of the following scenarios applies to you, you could possibly lose your commercial drivers license.
- You were a commercially licensed driver operating a non-commercial vehicle with a blood alcohol level of .08% or more.
- You were operating a commercial vehicle as defined Section 15210 of the Vehicle Code with a blood alcohol level of .04% or more.
- You were a commercially licensed driver operating a commercial or non-commercial vehicle and knowingly refused to or failed to complete a chemical test, when lawfully admonished.
In addition, if any of the three above occurs while transporting a hazardous material, the penalty is 3 years of revocation. If it occurs a second time, whether transporting hazardous material or not; the licensee will lose their privilege to have a commercial license for life.
However, the California Department of Motor Vehicles will allow a commercial license holder to apply for a class C license after any of the three scenarios above occur. After 30 days of a hard suspension, as long as the licensee has an SR-22 and takes a state approved alcohol program, the licensee will be granted a Class C, non-commercial license.
If you or a loved one have been accused or charged with DUI in San Bernardino county, it is very important that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately, like the attorneys at Wallin & Klarich. We have over 30 years of experienced handling this type of matters and can assist you in obtaining the best possible result. Call the law firm of Wallin & Klarich today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 to speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney about your case.